The Ghanaian Traditional Wedding Check List

Hello hello beautiful people! I trust you all are doing well! I know it’s been a little while, but ya girl is back!

Before my little hiatus, I promised to provide a general traditional wedding checklist, so this post is going to jump into that. Before the checklist, a little background….

As I’ve mentioned in past, I was born and raised in Los Angeles, CA but my parents are from Ghana. So Ghana is where my heart is. For many of us first generation folks in the diaspora, it’s in important to us and/or our families for our wedding celebration to pay homage to our home countries. Many couples do this through the traditional celebration. Over the years as we have also yearned for the western wedding celebration and its traditions, we have started calling the Ghanaian traditional an engagement. This is not just in America!! I’ve noticed it happening in Ghana as well! LISTEN (pronounce all the syllables like my Kumasi peeps do)…Traditional is wedding too!!! Once upon a time, this was all our people did to mark their unions. It’s a beautiful thing for us to continue this tradition but let’s be sure to put it on the level it deserves.

Now I also absolutely understand that these traditions may vary depending on your tribe, so the following checklist is general, but based on Akan traditions (I rep my hood). Please feel free to comment with some of the traditions of your respective tribes as well.

Without further a-due, the Ghanaian Traditional Wedding Checklist:

The Traditional Checklist .jpg

That’s it folks! This is super general and may vary for you if you decide to do a traditional and western ceremony, but I hope it gives you a framework to work with.

Look out for future posts detailing specifics of the traditional celebration including sample dowry lists, program, etc.

As usual, don’t hesitate to send me your topic wish lists via email, DM, comment, etc!

Toodles for now, SugarBees! <3


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Safe Enjoyment

Safe Enjoyment

Good Day Lovely People! I hope you are enjoying spring so far! With spring comes WEDDING SEASON! Congrats in advance to all