It’s Not All About the Benjamins: Squad Duties

Good day peeps! I trust you’re doing well! It’s been a minute, but I’m back like I never left!!  One thing we did not touch on during the Choosing the Squad series is the duties of the squad! When you say yes to be someone’s groomsman or bridesmaid, you agree to be a part of one of the biggest day (s) of their life and that comes with a few responsibilities. It’s not by force ooo!! They didn’t have to select you to be a member of their squad, but now that you have accepted this role, there are a few things required of you including the following: 

1.    $$$- It’s gon cost a few dollars, please check out my Choosing Your Squad Part Two post for an overview of what you should plan to pay for but please consult the couple as well as they may shift things based on their budget.

2.    Prayer Warrior– listen weddings are a beautiful celebration, but the journey to getting to the beautiful day will likely be filled with tests (especially tests of one’s patience…lol). As a member of the squad, one of your most important responsibilities is to pray for the couple. Please don’t just pray about their wedding prep, but also pray for their marriage. After all, the wedding is one day, a weekend at most. The marriage is for a lifetime. 

3.    A Helping Hand– wedding checklists are long! There are quite a few small details that go into making the big day possible and a lot of the small details require research. Offer to help the bride and groom look for vendors or in finding pieces for their wedding. If they say no the first time that’s okay. Ask again…and again…and again 

4.    Hype Squad– the bridal party is the official hype squad of the wedding planning process and wedding day. You are there to make sure the couple stay excited and enjoy their day to the fullest! During the wedding, if the dancefloor is empty grab a friend and hit your two-step. 

5.    Be present– This is another really important responsibility of the squad. From the moment that you accept the role of bridesmaid or groomsman, you are to be present in every part of the planning process and on the wedding day. This does include being there physically. Beyond that, beyond present means being fully engaged and participating. Another part of being present is listening to cues and translating that into saying things to your bride or groom in the right way and at the right time. Let’s try to keep the sassy comments to ourselves for just a few months, but at the same time don’t lie to them! If something is ugly, don’t say “oh heck no. that’s ugly”. Say “Maybe we can continue searching to see what other options are other there”.

Follow these steps and you’re headed to bridesmaid or groomsman of the year! 

Thanks for reading! As always like, comment, and share! Oh and if you’re not following me on Instagram, get wit it! 


Toodles for now, SugarBees! <3 


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Safe Enjoyment

Safe Enjoyment

Good Day Lovely People! I hope you are enjoying spring so far! With spring comes WEDDING SEASON! Congrats in advance to all