The Infamous Dowry List

Hello Hello, Wonderful People!

Who’s ready for part 2 of the traditional wedding mini-series?! (…imagines all hands in the air!!) Let’s get to it then!

So once the knocking is complete, the bride’s family must tell the groom’s family the items they would like in exchange for their daughter’s hand in marriage. It is the groom and his family’s way showing that they have the means to take care of the lady when she becomes part of their family. These are also tokens of gratitude to the girl’s immediate family for raising her.

Alright, enough of the chatter, please see below for a sample list:

Ghanaian Dowry List.png

Once again, I absolutely recommend consulting your family as there may be some variances depending on your family’s preferences and tribe. I hope this gives you a good idea to start planning and budgeting, though!

As always, comment, share, ask questions!

Toodles for now, SugarBees! <3


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Safe Enjoyment

Safe Enjoyment

Good Day Lovely People! I hope you are enjoying spring so far! With spring comes WEDDING SEASON! Congrats in advance to all