Love is NOT Canceled II: Tips on Postponing Your Celebration

Hello beautiful people!

I have a message for you all. LOVE IS NOT CANCELED! Although it may seem like everything around us is being canceled or postponed, this does not mean that the bond between you and your partner is canceled.

Now, let that marinate.

If you have prayerfully decided to postpone your wedding celebration, love isn’t canceled for you too! The union is just going to take place on a new date. Many couples are postponing their celebrations with a new date already secured which is awesome. Below, you’ll find my suggested steps that you should take in confirming your new date: 

1.     Pray without ceasing- COVID-19 is a situation unlike anything we have ever seen, it is important to stay prayerful in this time (this doesn’t mean that you stop praying after COVID!!…don’t get it twisted lol) and to allow God to direct each step you take in regards to your celebration. Also, you will need the favor of God as you reach out to your various vendors. Ain’t nobody got time for the sass! 

2.     Talk to your venue and find out what dates they have available in the months or season you’re looking at. While you are discussing with your venue, I would recommend sending a quick email to all other vendors so they know that you are postponing your celebration and will be in touch with a new date soon. 

3.     Discuss with your family and other vendors to figure out which of the new potential dates works best. There may be a chance that some of your vendors are not available on the new date, do not let this discourage you. Stay positive and stay optimistic. You can definitely find other vendors to fill those necessary spots. 

4.     Ask all of your vendors for a contract addendum. If you don’t already have an acts of God or force majeure clause in your contract, please ensure this is in the addendum. If you would like a sample clause, please see this link.

5.     Update your wedding website with new details – Notify your guests of the new date and ask everyone to RSVP again even if they have RSVPed already. This will help to ensure that your guest count is accurate. Verbiage for this can be found at this link or this link.

6.     Now, enjoy each moment until your big day! 

The situation with COVID is ever-changing and evolving and because of this, you may decide to postpone your wedding without a new date in mind, initially and that’s okay! Please see below for the steps you should take if this is your situation:

1.     Pray without ceasing- See details above, but also, please keep asking God to reveal HIS will for your life and your union to you.

2.     Talk to your venue and vendors about your decision to postpone without a new date. Most vendors will be willing to give you a partial or full refund. If you have an act of God or force majeure clause in your contract, it is likely that they are contractually bound to give you a full refund.

If your venue or vendors are not giving you a refund, please be sure that they state in writing that your deposit can be applied towards your new event date. Some vendors will state that they are allowing deposits to be transferred within a certain timeframe (i.e. new event must happen by end of 2021, etc). If that is the case, ensure this is in writing as well. 

3.     Notify your guests of your decision to postpone your celebration. Sample verbiage can be found at the links above.

I hope this helps you navigate this time. Your situation may be different than the two stated here, so if you have any specific questions please don’t hesitate to reach out to me by posting a comment, sending me an email, or sending me a DM. 

The next post is dedicated to those who have decided to have an intimate celebration on their scheduled wedding date, so be sure to check that out as well. 

Toodles for now, SugarBees! 


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Safe Enjoyment

Safe Enjoyment

Good Day Lovely People! I hope you are enjoying spring so far! With spring comes WEDDING SEASON! Congrats in advance to all