Guest Etiquette 102: The Pandemic Edition

Good Day beautiful people! I trust you all are doing well and staying safe!

Y’all it’s really been warming my heart to see alll of the couples acknowledging the fact that #LoveisNOTcanceled (or cancelled…potato, po-TA-to) and proceeding with modified wedding plans. I’ve had the pleasure of attending a few weddings and other celebrations virtually and in-person which has truly been an honor. But I’ve noticed that we may need to expand upon Guest Etiquette 101, so let’s call this Guest Etiquette 102: The Pandemic Edition! 

Quick tips to be a guest of honor at a celebration during a pandemic: 

1.RSVP, RSVP, & please RSVP ontime– In this season, RSVPing is even MORE crucial than it was before. Different cities and venues have varying restrictions on the number of guests that can gather and folks are forced to limit their guest count. If you can’t attend, then they can invite another person. Once you RSVP no, please don’t change your mind and show up because that can really through a wrench in things. It’s also equally important to RSVP for virtual celebrations because the number of guests RSVPed for a virtual celebration can dictate the platform the couple decides to use to stream the event. So let’s just make their lives a little easier and RSVP on timeeee. It’s already hard enough to plan during a pandemic!

2. Covid chic attire is a must aka wear a mask! – Let’s do everything we can to protect ourselves and those around us by wearing masks and/or face shields. I know it makes your makeup a little less flawless, but you will be aight. Also, I’m guilty of this as much as anyone else…put your mask back on after eating! Check hubby and I out at a few events looking all COVID chic and stuff:

3. Social/ Physical Distancing– As we start to interact with people again, let’s remember that COVID is real and is still rearing its ugly little head. Secondly, let’s be mindful of the fact that everyone is at a different level of comfort with physical contact, so err on the side of caution and keep your distance. Yes I’m talking to you sis who wants to get a good pic of the bride but steps into someone else’s 6ft bubble to do it. Let’s just use the zoom on our cameras. Let’s be sure to follow all other local and CDC guidelines as well! 

4. If you’re on Zoom, don’t forget to mute & turn off your camera if needed!- the nice thing about this season is you can join celebrations from the comfort of your home. The not so nice thing is sometimes everyone can hear what’s going on in the comfort of your home, so please mute yourself so everyone can enjoy the event! If you have to turn off your camera too, please do that as well!

5. Be a blessing to the couple– I’m not going to talk much on this one. All I will say is whether you are one of the few at the event LIVE or one of the individuals celebrating with the couple virtually, please bless them with a gift as they begin this journey. It’s just a nice thing to do. 

To keep it simple, let’s all do what we can to make the celebration as safe and enjoyable as possible! 

Toodles for now, SugarBees! 


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Safe Enjoyment

Safe Enjoyment

Good Day Lovely People! I hope you are enjoying spring so far! With spring comes WEDDING SEASON! Congrats in advance to all