It’s beginning to look a lot like…PROPOSAL SEASON!

Good Day beautiful people! I trust that you all are doing well and staying safe!

We are officially in FALL (aka autumn)! I love pumpkin flavored things and fall colors. Fall is also the beginning of another season…PROPOSAL SEASON! What’s proposal season you ask? Welp…first and foremost, no I didn’t completely make this up. Studies do show that November to January tend to be a popular season for individuals to get engaged. If you don’t believe me, just watch! Mark it on the wall now, then come see me in chambers in February so I can tell you I told you so! 

But anywho, gentlemen, this post is for you. Here are my tips for making your proposal one to remember:

  1. Understand What She Wants– Your proposal is the moment when you express your love to the special lady in your life. If you’re Ghanaian and you’re going the traditional route, she already knows you’re serious because a knocking is scheduled or has happened (What’s a Knocking? Click here). BUT this moment should still be special! 

  2. Talk To Her Family & Friends- You definitely want to make sure you have the blessing of the family before planning a proposal. Ladies talk to their friends about a myriad of topics, so you can definitely get some insight into planning the celebration from them. Her friends may even be able to help you get her ring size. In both of these categories though, I would leave out anyone who doesn’t know how to keep a secret, lol. 

  3. Find THE Ring– Through talking to your lady and her friends, you’ll likely start to get an idea of what she’s looking for. If you’re lucky, she’s sent her friends pics of rings she liked in the past! You can even incorporate your lady’s friends into the ring selection process by creating a group chat with them and sharing the top contenders. Now let’s talk cost. Some people say the cost of the engagement ring should be equivalent to three months salary. Let me let you in on a little secret. This isn’t a real rule! This school of thought came out of a marketing campaign run by the De Beers Diamond company in the 1930s, so cut your coat according to your size because following the proposal, you have a wedding to plan and a life to live. I’m not encouraging you to be cheap, but don’t feel restricted by this “rule”. Get her something pretty and don’t forget ring insurance! 

  4. Set the Mood with the Location/Theme– If you did steps one and two, figuring out a location is a little easier. Here are a few general ideas of locations your proposal can take place: her home, your home, a friend’s home, a garden, a photography studio, a local landmark, a museum, church!, a family gathering, a rooftop, etc. (If you have some other proposal ideas, drop them in the comments below) 

  5. Figure out the details– Here comes the fun part…figuring out the details. If you did step 2, her friends are probably already on your side and willing to assist in the trickery to get the lucky lady in the right spot at the right time! 

  6. Capture the moment- Some people opt to hire a professional camera crew to capture this special moment which is great! If you decide that you aren’t going to hire a professional crew, I recommend you designate one person as your photo person and someone else as your video person. If you opt for a private proposal, no worries! You can DIY and set up a tripod with a phone or professional camera!

  7. Try not to be tooo nervous- Take deep breaths before she walks into the proposal, so you don’t trip over your words and enjoy the moment! You’re about to be a wholeeee fiancee!

Alright gents! Wishing you allll the best the next few months. If you need extra tips, please feel free to send me a note! 

Toodles for now, SugarBees! 


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Safe Enjoyment

Safe Enjoyment

Good Day Lovely People! I hope you are enjoying spring so far! With spring comes WEDDING SEASON! Congrats in advance to all